Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month

Family Relationships and Lifestyle Improves
When Patients Start Using Hearing Devices
By Lori Walker, AuD

Many scientific studies in the past have confirmed the negative impacts associated with hearing loss: depression, anxiety and social isolation. Even worse, audiologists state that grandparents often report that they cannot hear their grandchildren’s voices.  Research suggests that grandchildren benefit from their relationships with their grandparents both emotionally and mentally. In fact, involved grandparents are more likely to have better-adjusted grandchildren.  When a grandparent can’t hear or communicate with a grandchild, this important relationship can be hampered. It can be painful to both the grandparent and the grandchild. 
Hearing loss in an elderly family member can impact everyone in the extended family. For adult children who take care of parents, hearing loss can impact the quality of their relationship, making it difficult and frustrating to communicate. Because hearing loss is the number one challenge to communicating with family, friends, and caretakers, it’s important that everyone understand the impact that wearing a hearing aid can have, not only on the elderly, but their loved ones as well.
A new study released in September conducted by the Better Hearing Institute (BHI), shows overwhelming data about how much of a difference hearing devices can make. The study surveyed more than 2,000 hearing loss patients who use devices to enhance the sense of sound. Of the sample group, 82 percent of patients would recommend hearing devices to their friends and 70 percent reported improved ability to communicate.
This ability to communicate is so important within the family. Without it, so much can be lost. May is Better Hearing and Speech Month, and it gives us the opportunity to promote treatment that can improve quality of life especially for those with hearing loss. Do you have someone in your family with a hearing problem that affects how they can communicate? Maybe May is the month that you can raise their awareness about the impact of hearing disorders and what they can do to improve their life.

WWMG's Audiology department is at 3216 Norton Avenue, Suite 102, Everett, WA  98201. You can reach them at 425-252-0895 

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