Thursday, March 1, 2012

A survivor tells her story

My name is Barb and I live and
work in the Everett, WA area.

This is the true story of my fight
with colon cancer. 

When I was 31, I had some issues with irregular bowel movements and bloating. My abdomen felt swollen and extended at times and then I started having some pressure type discomfort in my tailbone area, as well as discomfort during sex. So I went to my primary care doctor and he started tests, including a colonoscopy.
Within five days, I was diagnosed with colon cancer and admitted for surgery. After that healed, I had six weeks of radiation.

A colonoscopy is not done in the most fun area of the body and many people don't want to deal with it. But the prep is not that big of a deal and its much better than the alternative could be. I’ve had cancer surgery and two additional surgeries plus the effects from having radiation. All this has taken a toll on my body and it’s hard to imagine why someone would want to go through what I’ve gone through.

I come from a large family and since my cancer diagnosis, my entire family goes in for their colonoscopies. My dad was diagnosed with colon cancer 5 years after me. I have brothers and sisters who have had polyps removed.

As a result of having colon cancer, I have multiple medical issues that sometimes make me feel much older than I am and I get frustrated at times.. The cancer, surgeries, and treatments have heavily impacted my body and the kind of life I live, but I am so thankful to be alive.

Cancer doesn’t discriminate. Get your colonoscopy and make sure that you’re cancer free.

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