Friday, January 20, 2012

National Medical Group Practice Week
is celebrated this week in January

Western Washington Medical Group proudly honors our nation’s medical group practices during National Medical Group Practice Week in January. We support the medical group practice managers, physicians, staff, communities and patients who help make group practice a collaborative, high-quality and cost-effective form of health care delivery.
Please join us in recognizing these hardworking professionals.

Physicians in group practices have been credited with many medical innovations. Following are a few noted firsts that occurred in a group practice: 

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The discovery of a link between smoking tobacco and lung cancer – 1939, the Ochsner Clinic Foundation, New Orleans.
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The use of a heart-lung machine during open-heart surgery – 1955, the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
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The performance of prelaunch examinations on U.S. astronauts – 1959, Lovelace Clinic (now Lovelace Sandia Health System), Albuquerque, N.M.
Minus Sign - Red The use of electromagnetic imaging – 1974, Virginia Mason Medical Center, Seattle.
Minus Sign - RedThe use of lithotripsy to treat kidney stones – 1985, Virginia Mason Medical Center, Seattle.

Join us in celebrating with all the many hard working people who staff group practices around the country and who care for the health of our families.

Information courtesy of The Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), the nation's principal voice for medical group practices since 1926, created National Medical Group Practice Week in 2003.

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