Monday, November 21, 2011

680 pounds of food!!


For the past five years, the employees of Western Washington Medical Group’s  Gastroenterology Department have collected food for the needy and then donated it to a local charity or mission. This year, they decided to step it up by creating a competition between Gastroenterology, Family Medicine and Urology, to see who could collect the most food in pounds by November 18th and were successful in collecting 680 pounds of food which was donated to the Volunteers of America Food Bank in Everett. The food bank distributes emergency food to families, children, seniors, and individuals with disabilities.

The contest was a tie between Gastroenterology and Family Medicine. Shown above are, from left to right, Shannon, Jan, and Megan from the Gastroenterology’s medical records department standing next to a portion of the food they collected. Much of what you see there was donated by patients who came through in a big way this year.

“This is the most caring employer I’ve ever had,” said Shannon Brossard. “I wanted to give something back and it was amazing to see how much food we dropped off. All the groups that participated did a great job and I know that many families will be helped as a result of their hard work.”

Way to go, ladies! That is a lot of food and you'll make a huge impact on some needy families this holiday season! 

WWMG's Gastroenterology Department is located at  4225 Hoyt Avenue, Suite A, in Everett, WA. Click here to visit their site:  Gastroenterology

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